About Me

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Hello Digital Students. My name is Mr. Barker and I'm going to be your Sixth Grade teacher for the coming year. I'm also a teacher here in the digital world, and will be posting things for you to check out over the course of the term. If you need to reach me you can always email me at email@email.com.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Science - Flight

Hello fellow aviation enthusiasts.

Today in Science class I introduced a new unit for us to study, and that unit was Flight! We're going to be doing a number of interesting things, including using our problem-solving skills to design, build, and test a flying device... in other words, we're going to be building paper airplanes!

To get us started on this, I want you to surf to the website link I've included below and start getting ideas for your plane. We'll be making them in class over the next few weeks and trust me, it's going to be a lot of fun.

For Monday, please come to class prepared to begin designing your paper airplane. Please make some notes based on the plane designs found at this website: Paper Plane Patterns. Examine the designs and make a few preliminary decisions as to what you want your plane to look like, and what you want it to do. Will it be a trick plane that can do loops and spins? Will it be a long-range flier that can go the distance? Maybe it will be a speedster that can cross the length of the classroom in mere seconds?

Looking forward to seeing your design plans on Monday. Hope you have a good weekend!

- Mr. Barker

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