About Me

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Hello Digital Students. My name is Mr. Barker and I'm going to be your Sixth Grade teacher for the coming year. I'm also a teacher here in the digital world, and will be posting things for you to check out over the course of the term. If you need to reach me you can always email me at email@email.com.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Math - Adding Decimal Digits

Hello again, boys and girls and welcome back to our digital classroom.
We had a really good day in our math class today working on adding numbers with two digit decimals in them. It's not an easy concept to grasp so I recommend you take some time today to surf to this site I've included so you can get some more practice. When you finish answering the first set of questions, please click the "Next Game" button to get a new set of numbers.

We will keep working on this for the next couple of weeks so a little practice will certainly help.

As always, please ask if you have any questions.

- Mr. Barker

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